martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

What we learnt with the supply teacher.

In this post, we are showing the things we learnt on two different days during the absence of the teacher.
DAY 1:

Two expeditions, one goal
 5 men
4 Sledge
52 dogs
  65 men
  19 horses
 34 dogs
3 motor vehicles

The outcome
-December 14, 1911

-Trial, error and repetition.

Behaviourism (Pavlov)

-Undertanding diferent mental processes in the construction of learning.

-The nervous system interderes in human learning

The nervous system is a network of tissues (tejidos) whose basic unit are neurons. Its primary function is to capture, coordinate, and process the exercising control signals quickly  over bodies, in order to achieve and effective interaction with the changing enviroment.

-According to A.M. Abarca “The nervous system has several

The brain
-It is composed of neurons (basic cells).
-Neural networks.
-They are modified with each new learning.
-The more connections, more learning and vice versa
-They connect different brain areas

The brain plasticity
-The brain is designed to change, depending on the age “training”… it will have roughly plasticity.
-Each learning is based on and generated by intellectual and instrumental experiences (Abarta, Bruner).

Psicology and Education
-From neural networks to cognitive networks (constructivism).

-Learning processes have influence in the generation of new neuronal networks and thus new networks.
-Creative cognitive processes interfere- in the form of networks- in a process of social creativity (Villasante, Cortés).

Experience and Education
-The various experiences are the intermediary in the generation of cognitive networks.
-Learning, therefore, is relational.

-To know, recognize, perform… it is an ongoing process in the construction of learning.

DAY 2:


-What does democracy mean?
Try to create spaces where people are identified, where they can participate, etc.
-What does citizenship mean?
The school has to transmit these values of democracy and citizenship to children.

The actual society
 -From modernism (reason)
-To postmodernism (relativism) 
People act as in the postmodernism but schools work as in the modernism.
*Breaking down social principles*

Global era and democracy
-Global era. Formal democracies.
-Positive aspects of globalization.  Change to meet and unite communities.
-Negative aspects of globalization. Borders and impediments for people and freedom for big business.

Schools and Society
-Laws and educational reforms
Education: duty and right
Curriculum (focus on teachers knowledge)

-Social control

-School values vs. Social Values

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