miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Critical perspective: What doesn't work? Why?

Memorizar, en vez de buscar un sentido práctico:
The contents must be based on a textbook. The problem is not the use of the theory, the mistake is that the subject only is based on the textbook, being this the only work tool.

Both parts are important, theory and practice. Children must assimilate the knowledge and see its application in the reality. There are many schools that only use the theory and others the practical part, for it it is necessary to find an intermediate point.

If the children study of a book, we don’t know if the child really knows this information or he only memorised it to pass the exam. We remember a lot of times that we have memorised a sentences or historicals facts to pass our exams.

Ejemplos de esto: en mi conservatorio se llevó a cabo una obra “La zapatera prodigiosa” bailada, pero teníamos que comprender la historia para saber cómo interpretarla, para ello, en otra asignatura, nos dedicamos a leer este libro, hacer un trabajo de investigación sobre este e incluso estudiarnos los guiones.                       

En clases de historia, para entender mejor un tema, han puesto vídeos relacionados con lo que estábamos dando.

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