martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

" I am a teacher and I do not everything"

This enter is going to talk to an interview make to César Bona, considered the best teacher in Spain, for me the importance of this video it is not to encourage Césars figure, but it is true that he has. But, at the same way that he says “ he do not make something that others teacher do, because there are hundred of teacher that believe in education, and fight daily in their classroom to take the best of their students.

The main reason why we are talking about his in this subject is becasue we think that the organitation that he propose in their classroom are very interesting. Because, it is a simple methodology, and uncomplicated, but this methodology does see how we cant take the best of our student in a easy way.

At first, he talk about how a children can teach you extraordinary things, and we wnt
Heighthen this, because frecuently we dont pay attention to the smallest
members of the house. We must to nurture about their knowledge.

We want to focus in the organitation.

We will be something like this.

It is calls the attention because in an easy way, making role play, making that all student feel important, helping between there… he encourage the basic competition,. Also he shows how a teacher must not to make a master class, if not he is the mediator of the knowledge.

Furthermore, we can highlight how their students has interest in superation, they look for a good mark, sadly this is the main objective of school.  But, he encourage helping between students, the investigation…

We do not want to summaraze the video. Here is the link if you want to see.

To conclude, we have seen good to talk about this because it is show how in a esay way we can teach our students, also how we stil have teachers how believe in their proffesion.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

Involvement of family and school

El cuerpo docente de la escuela no podrá ir más lejos ni más rápido de lo que permita la comunidad. (Eisner, 2002, p. 12).

Given the situation that is living society, the school has new features, school and families have to adapt and contribute to a better development of education of children and students. The improvement should start by families, the family unit.

We live in a society with huge differences, broken families, highly structured families, families very badly economically, families very well economically, the school suffers all these differences and have to know how to act in every situation.

It is certainly necessary to improve the organization and functioning of the education system; but carry all the responsibility centers not take us very far, as we said, the family has a very important and significant role.

Numerous sociological reports have come to realize the changes family in Spain in the last quarter of the twentieth century (Perez-Diaz, pimping and Valiente, 2000; Flaquer, 2000; Meil, 1999) 1: decrease in marriages, increased unions free, fragile joints with increase in divorce, single-parent families and recomposed, increase in the average age of marriage, abrupt descent birth, increase in children born out of wedlock, incorporation mass of women to work outside the home with the consequent equal status between men and women, etc.

Adults, according to the interpretation of the crisis in education that makes Hanna Arendt (1995), have lost security and the ability to define what they want to offer as a model of life to new generations. Finally, children spend long hours outside the family space, with other agents of socialization and-also decreased direct contact and coexistence with parents and siblings.


Botía, A. B. (2006). Familia y escuela: dos mundos llamados a trabajar en común. Revista de educación, (339), 119-146.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Critical perspective: What doesn't work? Why?

Memorizar, en vez de buscar un sentido práctico:
The contents must be based on a textbook. The problem is not the use of the theory, the mistake is that the subject only is based on the textbook, being this the only work tool.

Both parts are important, theory and practice. Children must assimilate the knowledge and see its application in the reality. There are many schools that only use the theory and others the practical part, for it it is necessary to find an intermediate point.

If the children study of a book, we don’t know if the child really knows this information or he only memorised it to pass the exam. We remember a lot of times that we have memorised a sentences or historicals facts to pass our exams.

Ejemplos de esto: en mi conservatorio se llevó a cabo una obra “La zapatera prodigiosa” bailada, pero teníamos que comprender la historia para saber cómo interpretarla, para ello, en otra asignatura, nos dedicamos a leer este libro, hacer un trabajo de investigación sobre este e incluso estudiarnos los guiones.                       

En clases de historia, para entender mejor un tema, han puesto vídeos relacionados con lo que estábamos dando.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

How it influences the school to us?

In old entrances we were talking about relationship that school created. Maybe, we can say that there are two types of significant relationship: the first, between teachers and student, and the second, between teachers.

At first we are going to talk about relationship between teachers and student.

From our point of view, the school always has had a very important paper at the time of creating relations, because it is the first place where a child socializes.

And they start to relate with people so different, they would end up creating they own personality and identity through relations.
We had been talking how our teachers had been important persons to us, because the knew to transmit values, apart to teach subject, they were able to teach us to life.

Additionally, the school have an important paper: teach us to be a better citizen.

At first, the school teach the student to be a good citizen, for example, helping our relatives. Also, the teacher has an important role, they must be a higher person than their students or they could be the same as their students.
And we can say that we life with the second example of teacher.

Through all the types of learning that our teachers want to develop, we had created and important part of our personality. Because, the activities that we did in class influenced to us directly. We must be grateful, owing to our teacher believe in education, and maybe this is the reason why we are now studying Primary Education.
Also, they helped us in our citizen dimension, establishing laws in the class, for example, we learned to respect our partners, and this environment help us.

From our point of view, and how other professional said, we believe that the first mission of a teacher is that in the classroom there are not different levels between teachers and students, because both of them are always learning, also, if there are a good environment will be easier the transmission of knowledge.

In the other hand, we must talk about our relationship between partners, group of equals, because this is the most important thing that school gives to us.

Maybe, the school is the first place where a child socializes and created a group of friends, and we do not conscious how important it is.

We want to focus on the way that school help to make this.
We think that the activities that our teachers make are so important, because they must to foment collaborative work, but no between friends, if not joining different types of students.
Also, it is so important to heighten the equality between race and sex, because when a person is young we can teach him that women and men are the same, also black and white, because nobody is better then other.
At the same way, school should not be a place that foments the rivalry or insane competition, if not the opposite they must foment the collaborative work and companionship. In this way we will able to work in all the possible environment.

These are the most important things that we can talk about relationship.


Rivas Flores, J., & Calderon Almendros, I. (2002). La escuela desde la experiencia de los alumnos. Biografías y Experiencia escolar. X Symposium Interamericano de Investigación Etnográfica y Cualitativa en Educación, 2-27.