lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

Educational styles

Our group can not find a model that fits exactly to our family style. But we think that the model that most resembles is the democratic style.
Our parents have never exercised too much control over us as trusted and have not had the need to sobreprotegernos through control. Although there has been such control in some cases by having an age when we do not have enough maturity.
We have made the decision that would mark our future: decide what to study.
Therefore, a reasonable and educational exert control.
On the other hand, we can also find in them features of the permissive style, as this style holds that children have control over their decisions
This has affected in a positive way in us because we have confidence with our parents Glad we understood and supported.
They are great references for our future and influence and educate our children as adopt similar positions to that adopted them.
Although they have not exercised great authority over us, we are responsible and this helps to continue acting in the same quiet way and trusting us.

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